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Swearing 粗口

See also Sex and Slang.

diu2 fuck
diu2 lAn2 fucking
ga1 tsan2 asshole (person)
höü3 sei2 la1 lei5 drop dead; go to hell    Lit. go die
hAm6 ga1 tsan2 curse on your whole famiy
lAn2 fucking (adjective or infix)
pUk1 gai1 仆街 asshole, shithead (person) (MW: 條 tiu4)    Lit. fall down on the street
fuck! (curse)
go to hell (verb)
sei2 damn (adjective)   Lit. death
   sei2 bat3 po4 死八婆 damn bitch
   sei2 yAn4 tAu4 死人頭 jerk    Lit. dead man's skull
tsAu3 hAi1 fucking cunt (derogatory for woman)    Lit. smelly cunt


lei5 gon2 mAt1 lAn2 ye5 a3? 你講乜嘢呀? what the fuck are you talking about?
diu2 lei5 lou5 mou2 你老母 fuck your mother
diu2 lei5 pUk1 gai1 lou5 mou2 tsAu3 hAi1 hAm6 ga1 tsan2 (too horrible to translate)

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